Course Timeline

The timeline is preliminary and will keep evolving.





Jan 25

Design Thinking, Needfinding & Course Logistics

In class activity:
Design Project 0

Attend the whole class or not at all

Due by Thursday, 5pm:

Hw1: Sharpen Your Eye + a Small Programming Problem

and Enrollment Survey (will be posted after first class)

NO STUDIO this week

Feb 1

In class activity:
Affinity Diagramming
(mandatory attendance)

There is required reading for the class (click on lecture title for details).

You must conduct your observations for Hw 2 prior to this class


There is required reading for the class.

Due by Thursday, 5pm:

Hw 2: Project 1 – Needfinding (team-based)

First studio meeting!

Feb 8

Coding Lab 1

There is required reading for the class.

Bring laptop. Install Chrome.

Prototyping and Rapid Evaluation

There is required reading for the class.

Hw 3: Project 1 – Product concept + a programming problem

From now on, all assignments are due on Wednesday, by 11:59pm

Feb 15

In class activity:
Heuristic Evaluation
(mandatory attendance)

There is required reading for the class.

Anatomy of a Good Pitch & Teamwork

There is required prep for the class.

Hw 4: Project 1 – UI design and test + a programming problem

Feb 22

Guest Lecture by Tim Prestero, CEO of Design That Matters and Kris Carter from the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics

There is required reading for the class.

Gamification & Motivation

There is required prep for the class.

(mandatory attendance – we will spend the last 15 minutes creating teams for Project 2)

Hw 5: Project 1 – Product pitch + studio, team & design reflection (individual)

Feb 29

Best Pitches From Project 1
& Personas

There is required reading for the class.

Guest lecture by Julia Mitelman (Strategist) and Hamish Forsyth (CEO), both from OneLeap

No reading assigned for this class.

Hw 6: Project 2 – Initial project ideas + a small programming problem

March 7

Principles of Direct Manipulation

There is required reading for the class.

Workshop led by designers from The MEME Design

No reading assigned for this class.

(mandatory attendance)

Hw 7: Project 2 – Needfinding + HW7: Design example (individual)


March 14

Spring Break!

March 21

Coding Lab 2: jQuery Mobile

There is optional reading for this class

Human motor performance on basic input tasks

No reading assigned for this class

Hw 8: Project 2 – Product concept pitch

March 28

Best Pitches From Project 2 + Coding Lab 3: Version Control, setting up a server, etc.

Human Visual Perception

There is required reading for the class.

Hw 9: Project 2 – UI design and test + studio and team reflection (individual)

April 4

Activity: Design a Controlled Experiment

There is required reading for the class.

(mandatory attendance)

Design and Launch a Controlled Experiment (Part 2)

No readings.

Hw 10: Project 2 – Skeleton and draft of visual design

April 11

Introduction to Statistical Analysis

There is required reading for the class.

Doing Statistical Analysis

No readings.

Hw 11: Project 2 – Implementation: functionality

April 18

Negotiation 101: The (Real) Airport Test (a guest lecture by Hugo Van Vuuren)

There is recommended reading for this class

Overcoming bias, prejudice and inadvertent discrimination

There is required prep for this class

Hw 12: Project 2 – Implementation: ready for testing!

April 25

Beyond CS 179: What’s Hot in HCI Research and How You Can Get Involved

No readings.


Hw 13: Project 2 – Test and revise


Reading period

Tuesday, May 3: Final project presentations in 2 sessions:

  • 10am – 12:30pm
  • 1:30pm – 4pm

Wednesday, May 4: SEAS Design Fair

Hw 14: Final assignment 

Due Mon, May 2

Plus individual final survey Due Wed, May 4