
Lecture 23 (April 19): Negotiation 101: The (Real) Airport Test (a guest lecture by Hugo Van Vuuren)

An introductory crash course on negotiation basics, principled methods developed in academia and honed in industry, and time-tested “getting to yes” tactics. Recommended prep: Negotiation Scene: Nightcrawler HBR: Getting to Si, Ja, Oui, Hai, and Da TED: William Ury: The walk from “no” to “yes” This lecture will be given by Hugo Van Vuuren.  Hugo is a...

Lecture 24 (April 21): Overcoming bias, prejudice and discrimination

Bias and prejudice are pervasive. What can we do as technologists to ensure that we  (as humanity) act fairly despite our biases and prejudices? I will also try to convince you that–as designers–we frequently make choices that systematically discriminate against certain populations. This is an inadvertent, but inevitable result of the current design practice for digital...

L17 (March 29) Coding Lab 3: Git and Webhosting

We will discuss how to use github and how you can use Dreamhost to host your applications. Required prep: Create a github education account (with your harvard email address) on education.github.com (you first need a regular github account with your harvard email address and then click on “get pack” to connect your account with github education). The github education account...

L18 (March 31): Human Visual Perception

We will continue the dive into low level human abilities.  This time we will take a look at human visual perception and its implications for user interface design.   Required prep (post your written response before class): Benway, J. P., & Lane, D. M. (1998). Banner Blindness: Web Searchers Often Miss “Obvious” Links. Internetworking: ITG Newsletter,...