Consistency and Standards in the real world

Consistency and Standards:


Positive Example:

The Google App and the Google Homepage have the same intuitive layout where the search bar is in the middle. Having used Google for years, I know very easily that on the mobile app this is the search bar. In addition, one could argue that Google has become the standard for search, and its design has been copied by other websites like, and therefore keeping its layout makes sense.

Google2 Google1



Negative Example:

The door to CCVA. On one side is a pull handle that has a handle to pull. On the other side is the same handle except this one says push. Everyday when I walk out of class in CCVA, I pull to the push and walk into the door. Not only is this not standard design in America, but it is also not consistent with the other door handle in the same building!





About the author: jlkid225

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